client_acl: # Allow thatch to execute anything. thatch: - .* # Allow fred to use test and pkg, but only on "web*" minions. fred: - web*: - test.* - pkg.*
[root@linux-node1 pillar]# vim /etc/salt/master 打开注释并修改用户名client_acl: oldboy: - test.ping - network.*[root@linux-node1 pillar]# chmod 755 /var/cache/salt /var/cache/salt/master /var/cache/salt/master/jobs /var/run/salt /var/run/salt/master [root@linux-node1 pillar]# chmod 777 /var/log/salt/master[root@linux-node1 pillar]# /etc/init.d/salt-master restart[root@linux-node1 pillar]# su - oldboy[oldboy@linux-node1 ~]$ salt '*' test.ping linux-node2.example.com: Truelinux-node1.example.com: True[oldboy@linux-node1 ~]$ salt '*' cmd.run 'w'Failed to authenticate! This is most likely because this user is not permitted to execute commands, but there is a small possibility that a disk error occurred (check disk/inode usage).